This is nearly 50 acres with great diversity. Roadside access, winding upward through the meadows and leading into and across lush green, tree lined fields. Become mesmerized by the long grasses dancing in a gently breeze, is this parcel an agricultural success or a fantasy location to slip away to? Perhaps both, what a perfect homestead this could be, open land to plant gardens, continue to crop and or graze critters, surrounded with a soft and hardwood mix, wonderful distant mountain range views, small stream, private and secluded, this property offers an opportunity to become self-sufficient. Ready to build a home or a camp, or if you would just love spacious acres to make trails, hunt or just enjoy being in the country, this could be right for you. Located close to Jay Peak, the villages Troy, Westfield and Newport Center, each small town offering a piece of history that helped to make the Northeast Kingdom what it is today. Build your future on the solid rich soils of our past. Book to Look!